My photo

Monday, July 20, 2009

Starting Up!

As most of you already know last week I was in Maryland at a photography workshop. We did many exciting things one of which was creating a blog for our business. You can check out mine by clicking here.



Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Exciting Things!

This past Sunday I arrived in Maryland and since then have been interning under the oh so fabulous, Kristen Leigh, and learning with fellow interns Irene and Jessica! We're having so much fun!! I hate sneak peaks but I'm doing one anyways. Here's a first look at exciting things to come!



Friday, July 3, 2009

Four Teenagers

Anna's birthday isn't until tomorrow but last night we celebrated! I can't believe that my youngest sibling is a teenager! And Mom and Dad can't believe there are four teenagers in the house at one time!

Ellen was the self designated "decorations coordinator" for the event. She did a great job! Maybe you should consider that as a job?!
Do those M&M's look different to you? They're strawberry peanut butter flavored! My first reaction was..."Ga-rooooosss!!! Who on earth would eat those?!" But I tried them and they weren't half bad. They won't ever be as good as regular M&M's, but they're tolerable.
Birthday Girl!
One of God's most precious gifts... close friends!

So the Gabriella and Mariah are super creative and came up with a fantabulous [I like making up words ;)] card for Anna.
They used candy for to fill in words of a poem that they made up!

Happy Birthday Anna! I'm so excited for all that the future holds for you! Trust God, surround yourself with close Godly friends, follow your dreams, listen to Mom and Dad [they hold your college tuition money in their hands!], and be yourself! I love you!



Monday, June 29, 2009

Portrait Session

Meet Seth
He's five
Love those eyes
He loves to play baseball, football, and soccer

The End!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Adventures in Colorado

I'll start off by saying we were there for one of the two weeks because a kid at the camp got the Swine Flu and the Health Department said everyone had to go home. Ellen, Dad, and I felt fine the entire time, and never got it.

Anyways, onto the good stuff. The camp far surpassed anything I could have imagined. Here are some highlights:

-Friendships. Despite the fact that we were only there for a week Ellen and I both quickly clicked with a group of girls. They felt like long lost sisters. We've been able to keep in touch since Summit and I love that! Everyone was really focused on Christ and it was such a great atmosphere to be able to share about my faith at the meal table, in the rooms, and classroom. I hadn't met any of these people before and yet it was so easy to start conversations and get to know them. I also had a great small group, that I loved sooo much and had alot of fun getting to know!

-Studies. We had amazing classroom instructors. Summit offers the best of the best, and boy oh boy do they know their stuff! We had a lot of classroom time and even though I was typically tired my brain was like a sponge trying to soak it all in.

-Landscape. Colorado is God's country, end of story. Seriosuly though if it wasn't such a long ways from our house I'd move there. Even though it was mostly rainy while we were there, I enjoyed spending time outside and looking at the magnificent mountains.

-Olympic Training Center. We got to tour the Olympic training center near Denver area. I love love love the Olympics and so I enjoyed looking at the training centers in person. Someday I'll go to the real Olympics... someday!!!

I'm excited because our Summit t-shirts are coming in the mail soon. Also, because Ellen and I are going back to Summit for two weeks this August for the last session. I was a little apprehensive just because our first experience was so amazing and I don't want to go back and be disappointed but I think I'm making the right choice.

Three trips to Colorado in ONE summer! Wow... I'm blessed!

I'm in Michigan and don't have any have Summit pictures on my computer but will get some on Facebook soon.



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